Dental emergencies can cause substantial pain, discomfort, and swelling and potentially lead to more severe problems in the future. But what exactly is a dental emergency? When should you see an emergency dentist immediately, and when should you wait until your next dental appointment?
It's critical to distinguish between a routine dental issue that may wait until the morning and a true emergency that might endanger your health. Here's what you need to know about identifying dental problems that require emergency care, along with the services offered at South Shore Dental Care.
More than five million teeth are knocked out in children and adults each year, but if this occurs to you as a result of an injury or accident, it does not always imply the tooth is lost for life. Immediate intervention can save the tooth and allow it to be successfully replaced for years. It's crucial to take action promptly, ideally within 30 minutes, and seek immediate care from the nearest dentist or endodontist.
A dental abscess, also called a tooth abscess, is a collection of pus inside the teeth or gums. A dental abscess is a critical and potentially life-threatening situation where an infection has developed due to a collection of pus within the tooth. Since the infection may spread to your jaw, the surrounding tissue, and other parts of your body, this requires immediate medical attention.
A toothache can be caused by various factors, including a popcorn husk lodged in your gums, a fractured tooth, or a bacterial infection. Some toothaches are caused by temporary gum inflammation. However, severe toothaches require professional intervention.
Although minor gum irritation is not a dental emergency, bleeding gums, especially if accompanied by pain and edema, might suggest an underlying dental or health problem. It is not typical to have bleeding gums for no apparent reason. If you are having any of these symptoms, contact your dentist immediately.
A missing filling is another possible dental emergency since your tooth might easily crack or chip without that support. It may even expose the tooth's nerves, leading to dental complications requiring prompt care. When a dental crown cracks or falls off entirely, your tooth is left exposed and prone to infection and damage. You may avoid needing a root canal, extraction, or other dental treatment by arranging an emergency dental visit to replace the crown.
In conclusion, while dental emergencies can be unpleasant, knowing how to respond, staying calm, and taking preventive measures can significantly mitigate the impact of these situations. Call South Shore Dental Care now for emergency dental assistance. Your oral health is our priority, and we're here for you when you need us the most. Don't delay, and let us help you get back to a healthy, pain-free smile!
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